WAUSAU, WI- In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin and United Way of Marathon County continue to address the needs of local nonprofits through the COVID-19 Community Response Fund. As of April 17, 2020, $192,300.00 has been invested directly back to the area.
Continued support from our generous community has allowed for twenty-five organizations to receive grants to date from the fund. Areas of need that have been funded include (but are not limited to) childcare, food security & basic needs, shelter / rent & utility assistance, legal assistance, access to medical care and education / youth services.
John Raczek, Board President, Key to Life Childcare says, “This grant allows our childcare to remain open for essential works. They are truly in need of this care and we want to be there for them. We want to stay open because we love our neighbors and want to show that love during this difficult time.”
Support to the fund has been pouring in because of the generosity of our community members. So far, the fund has raised over $300,000 because of individuals, corporations and businesses in our community. The Community Foundation will cover all administrative fees so 100% of donations can be used to support local nonprofits.
The following organizations have been awarded Community Response Grants to date:
*Bethlehem Community Preschool and Child Care
Keeping the childcare center open for essential working families during the COVID-19 crisis.
Blessings in a Backpack DC Everest–Wausau
Providing family-sized bags of food as a weekend supplement for vulnerable families experiencing food scarcity. The bags are distributed through the DCE, Mosinee and Wausau School Districts food distribution channels that are in place through the grab and go food distribution collaboration.
Boys & Girls Club of the Wausau Area
To provide take home, hot, nutritious dinners along with high yield activity packets, books, and craft activities to assist with out-of-school learning to anyone under the age of 18.
Bridge Street Mission
Will provide sack lunches to students living near the downtown Wausau area, who might not have transportation access to other food distribution sites.
Catholic Charities, Diocese of La Crosse
Support for the Wausau warming shelter facility, which now provides 24/7 services during the pandemic to keep that population isolated and safe during the pandemic.
Children’s Wisconsin
Will provide staff with the resources to help with food and basic needs for families they serve who live just above or below the poverty line.
Community Center of Hope
Will provide self-serve, pre-packed bags of food and essential hygiene products to residents in the Mosinee area.
D.C. Everest School District
Providing bags of food to adults who are coming to the food distribution sites set up to provide meals to families in the school district.
*Edgar Child Care
Support so the center can reopen its doors to serve families that need child care services in the Edgar community.
Edgar Elementary School
Providing hygiene and cleaning products for families in need, as well as vouchers for bread, milk, butter, and eggs at the local IGA.
Faith in Action of Marathon County
To provide essential health related transportation and food security trips for the most vulnerable populations affected by COVID-19.
Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes
Provide stability to girls and adults in the program through technology connections and curbside distribution of materials.
Hmong American Center
To educate the elderly Hmong and Southeast Asian community about COVID-19 and to provide food and essentials items to the homebound community members they serve.
*Key to Life Christian Child Care
To provide operational funds for the center to remain open and provide high-quality care for children of parents in our community who are essential workers.
*Newman Catholic Early Childhood Center at St. Michael
Provide for staffing and building needs to keep the childcare center open for essential working families during the COVID-19 crisis.
*Newman Catholic Early Childhood Center at St. Therese
Provide for staffing and building needs to keep the childcare center open for essential working families during the COVID-19 crisis.
North Central Community Action Program
Will provide for emergency rental and utility assistance to income-eligible households.
North Central Health Care
Groceries and school supplies bags are available for direct care staff, working in restricted areas, who might not have access to other community distribution programs.
Pilgrim Evangelical Lutheran Church
The Blessings that Give Hope Food Program will provide boxes of food to families in the John Marshall area to supplement their grocery needs in this time when they are not in school.
The Salvation Army
Provide for emergency rental and utility assistance to income-eligible households.
St. Vincent de Paul Cabrini Conference
Provide basic care assistance, including rent and utility assistance, to those in need in the community.
Vivent Health
Providing critical needs to the clients they serve including food distribution, at-home HIV testing, and personal care needs.
Wausau School District
Distribution of hygiene and household products, as well as clothing at the food distribution sites, for students and families who are in need.
Wisconsin Judicare
To provide for technology needs that will allow homebound staff to continue providing legal assistance in processing applications for its clients.
*Woodson YMCA Childcare
Providing additional child care services at the Aspirus and downtown Wausau child care campuses for essential care workers in the community who still need to work.
To apply for a grant, go to: https://www.grantinterface.com/Home/Logon?urlkey=cfoncw
For more information about the Fund: https://cfoncw.org/2020/03/16/3488/To view a complete list of donors please go to: https://www.unitedwaymc.org/community-response-fund/