Independent foundations are usually founded by one individual, often by bequest. The members from the founding family, if any, represent a minority of the board and do not control the board. Many large independent foundations are no longer governed by members of the original donor’s family but are run by boards made up of community, business and academic leaders. Independent foundations are occasionally termed "non-operating" because they do not run their own programs.
Our Independent Foundation Members Include
Charles E. Benidt Foundation, City Forward Collective, Daniel M. Soref Charitable Trust, Elizabeth Elser Doolittle Charitable Trust, Greater Watertown Community Health Foundation, Madison Christian Giving Fund, Siebert Lutheran Foundation, The Catholic Community Foundation, The Jane Bradley Pettit Foundation, The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Vine and Branches Foundation, Inc., WHEA Foundation, Inc., WHEDA Foundation
Stewardship Principles and Practices for Independent Foundations Council on Foundations Independent foundation trustees and staff from across the country created this document, which succinctly and clearly states independent foundations' commitment to excellence and accountability. Independent foundations—whether small or large, staffed or board-managed—will want to use these voluntary Stewardship Principles to guide and strengthen their board governance, grantmaking and management.
Independent Foundation CEO Functions and Competencies Council on Foundations The Council on Foundations' Advisory Committee for Executive Programs (ACEP), with input from colleagues in the field, have identified core skills and knowledge needed to perform the foundation CEO job.
For additional resources and free research assistance, please contact WPN to become a member!
“The truth is, you leave this world with nothing. What you are is a temporary administrator, and you must administer well… the wealth in your care, and generate more. The surplus can be used to do many things for people.” - Carlos Slim Helú, Carlos Slim Foundation