New Legislative Maps in Wisconsin
Session Description: As a member of Wisconsin Partners, WPN is excited to promote this invitation for a nonpartisan, informational overview of the new state legislative maps in place for the […]
Session Description: As a member of Wisconsin Partners, WPN is excited to promote this invitation for a nonpartisan, informational overview of the new state legislative maps in place for the […]
Session Description: The next meeting of Community Foundation CEOs will take place in Janesville, WI. Audience: This event is open to CEOs/Executive Directors of Community Foundation members based in Wisconsin. […]
Session Description: This conversation will focus on employee volunteer and loaned executive programs. Audience: This event is open to members representing Corporate Foundations and/or Corporate Giving Programs. RSVP: To be added to the invitation for this event please reach out to Kristi Anderson ( Questions: For questions about this event or any other WPN program related […]
Session Description: Wisconsin Philanthropy Network is excited to spotlight this session as part of a 2024 Fundamentals of Family Philanthropy Webinar series hosted by the National Center for Family Philanthropy. What responsibilities do family philanthropies have to steward their funds as a public good? Through engaging discussions and real-world case studies, we’ll navigate the complexities of […]
Session Description: This session builds on our February discussion focused on the critical role anchor institutions play in rural communities with a specific focus on rural hospital systems. As rural leaders know all too well, rural hospitals across the nation have been rapidly closing and the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated this trend. For many years, Wisconsin […]
Session Description: The world can often feel like an unsafe place, with the risk of random acts of violence looming in our psyches and fed by news cycles eager to deliver sensationalistic content. For those with marginalized identities or political beliefs, there is an added layer of risk for targeted harassment, threats and violence that […]