Wisconsin engAGEment Initiative

Wisconsin was selected as one of six states to receive a grant for building awareness and to finance support for programs serving the elderly.  This national initiative is funded by Atlantic Philanthropies through Grantmakers in Aging.  The Wisconsin model will focus in three areas: best practices for partnering with nonprofits serving the elderly, develop funding models to assist funders in funding elderly issues, and create public awareness and public policy concerning philanthropy through government and nonprofits addressing aging.

Engagement Issue Briefs

Through the EngAGEment Initiative, Grantmakers In Aging has started to develop a series of Issue Briefs to help introduce funders to many of the issues of aging.  The briefs are designed to give an overview of the subject, statistics, charts, links and funding possibilities.  The first issue is now available.  Future issues will be posted when they are completed.  Together these briefs will form a great handbook/resource for funders interested in aging.


Wisconsin Aging Bulletin
April, 2006
Exemplary Aging Projects Supported by DFW Members and Other & Wisconsin Aging Facts