Wisconsin Philanthropy Network is proud to share spotlights of our members as part of WPN’s monthly Philanthropy e-news. Each spotlight briefly showcases a member and offers WPN’s network the opportunity to learn more about grantmaking priorities and practices. Each member plays an important role in Wisconsin’s philanthropic sector.

This Month: Nelson Mandela: The Official Exhibit makes its United States debut in Milwaukee

In an inaugural partnership, the Milwaukee Public Museum (MPM) and America’s Black Holocaust Museum bring us Nelson Mandela: The Official Exhibition running now through August 1 at MPM. Milwaukee is the first city in the U.S. to host this extraordinary exhibit.

It explores the life of the world’s most famous freedom fighter and political leader through a series of Interactive galleries. Visitors will be awed by previously unseen film, photos, and more than 150 artifacts and personal effects on loan from the Mandela family and archives worldwide. This unprecedented experience provides insight into the people, places, and events that formed Mandela’s character as well as the challenges he faced.

Virtual programming and teacher resources are available to experience the exhibit remotely. For more information, visit mpm.edu/mandela

Rockwell Automation’s deep commitment to its community

As a presenting sponsor this partnership reflects Rockwell’s deep commitment to the communities where we live and work. It introduces important information that will advance the work to dismantle racism, to be actively anti-racist and to be purposefully inclusive of all people. “This is a powerful experience that celebrates the life of Nelson Mandela, and Rockwell Automation is excited to share this experience with our community and employees,” said Patricia Contreras, vice president of public affairs.

Mandela never gave up hope in equity and equality or in forgiveness and healing. This exhibit will help our community apply those lessons and give us the courage to have difficult conversations to better our world and future.


Check back soon to see more past spotlights!

June 2021 Spotlight -

May 2021 Spotlight - WiSTAF

April 2021 Spotlight - Greater Milwaukee Foundation

March 2021 Spotlight - Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative Corporation

February 2021 Spotlight - American Family Insurance

January 2021 Spotlight - Madison Community Foundation

December 2020 Spotlight - City Forward Collective